How to Write Op-Eds

PErson on a computer writing an opinion editorial piece for a news outlet

Are you looking for help with crafting a compelling opinion piece? Writing op-eds is a powerful way to reach a larger audience and share your ideas, knowledge, and perspectives. Communications professionals, experts, and anyone eager to share can benefit from writing op-eds.

We will explain the process of creating successful opinion pieces. This includes understanding the target audience, researching topics, selecting relevant research sources, and correctly using data to support claims.

What is an op-ed?

An op-ed is a powerful publication that can greatly influence the media and political landscape. Typically penned by accomplished professionals and experts, it appears in newspapers, magazines, and various other publications. The purpose of an op-ed is to provide an opinion, usually with educated views on political, social, or economic issues that matter.

A well-written op-ed should attempt to summarize an idea with compelling evidence, research, and facts. It should have an appropriate voice that speaks to its intended audience. It should be honest and transparent in its delivery, allowing readers to reach their conclusions.

We all have unique perspectives on today’s issues; an op-ed is a perfect platform to share them. It can bring attention to an issue and advocate for change, offer a new way of looking at an idea, or spark discussion on a topic that needs exploration. Through careful research and thoughtful writing, an op-ed can help inform the public and contribute to meaningful change.

An effective op-ed should be clear and concise in its approach, focusing on a specific thesis statement backed up with evidence and facts. Well-composed content should revolve around a central theme, dissected into manageable and detailed points. The narrative should be logically structured, presenting opposing sides of the debate while decoding implications. Such writing will enhance language craftsmanship, readability, and eloquence, without losing meaning. To improve writing quality, I suggest optimizing word choice and sentence structure, enhancing both readability and eloquence.

Lastly, an op-ed should conclude with a solid call to action, encouraging readers to take a stand or look into the issue further. Ultimately, writing an op-ed requires passion and commitment to craft a meaningful piece that resonates with its readers.

Research relevant topics and identify current events

Research is one of the best practices for staying informed on current events. Learning about and processing all the information happening today takes a dedicated effort. Select a few meaningful topics for you and use them as a foundation for further exploration.

Once you’ve identified those topics, research them through reliable sources such as journal articles, academic websites, and official news outlets. Take time to read articles, watch the news, read books from leading authors, and follow experts on social media. Gathering information from multiple sources will help establish a more comprehensive understanding of your chosen topics and gain insights into current events worldwide.

a phone with social media apps

Develop a compelling argument

Developing a compelling argument requires considerable thought and skill. To make a practical point, it is essential to utilize persuasive research and excellent written language.

Start by fully understanding the position you’re attempting to express; consider any proposals from the opposition that could arise. Then assess which facts would best reinforce your point.

Once you’ve gathered information, build a thesis statement to deliver your ideas in both succinct and comprehensive terms. Be sure to address real-world practices, societal consequences, and logical implications of your argument — while steering away from hedging or other evidence of uncertainty.

To wrap up, bolster your case with well-constructed metaphors or literary devices that illustrate why your view deserves consideration. With meticulous planning and effective structuring, any argument can be presented in a captivating and compelling manner that would be hard to ignore.

Make sure to cite sources to back up your points

When making a point or taking a stance, it’s important always to include supporting evidence. Proper citation of sources is crucial for any research-based paper, project, or argument. Doing so can boost credibility and trustworthiness, and ultimately improve the impact of your content. Don’t overlook the importance of correct citations.

Fortunately, many resources can help you cite sources properly, such as The Op-Ed Project, which provides excellent information and guidance on citing accurately and effectively. The website also offers tips for setting up databases and other helpful tips for creating an effective referencing and citing workflow throughout your writing process.

Taking the time to cite sources properly helps both you and your reader understand the points you are making more clearly and promotes a better understanding of any research done as well.

Brainstorm potential angles for your op-ed

When deciding on the topic for your op-ed, it is essential to consider its purpose and goal. What do you hope to achieve by writing this piece?

This could include raising awareness of a cause, creating actionable change, calling for public discourse, and more. Once you have identified the purpose and goal of your op-ed, think about possible angles that can help drive home the message behind it.

Consider writing from the perspective of popular opinion or contrarian views and maybe highlighting some successes or failures in policy or legislation, amplifying certain voices, or holding certain people accountable.

Additionally, using examples like case studies can effectively bring your points to life and educate readers on the topic at hand. Considering all these elements, you can develop a solid and compelling op-ed that achieves its intended purpose.

Somethings to think about when pitching

When creating a pitch, there are several vital elements to consider that can help you make the most robust case possible. It’s important to remember that the editorial page comprises real people. So be clear and concise with information, outline any potential costs or benefits associated with the idea, and present proof of previous successes if they are relevant. Communicating these points clearly and in an appealing manner is essential for making the most of a pitch.

Moreover, it is beneficial to understand your audience and tailor the message accordingly- considering the importance of language choice and overall presentation. With an understanding of who your audience is, you will be able to craft effective communication that resonates with them.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the context in which you are communicating- considering local norms and customs. The Wall Street Journal editorial board is very different from The Washington Post, so do your homework and improve your chances of getting published. Doing so will ensure that your message is accurately understood and appreciated by those you want to engage.

Finally, always maintain a professional yet approachable tone when crafting your pitch; demonstrate that you are an expert on the topic and have something unique to bring to the conversation.

Final thoughts

It is important to remember that op-ed pieces can be compelling and are a fantastic way to ensure your voice is heard. Remember to start with a clear and concise introduction, develop a persuasive argument, and cite trustworthy sources. Don’t minimize the value of brainstorming. By reading the opinion pages of the places you want to be, you’ll start to understand what it takes to get published.

If writing isn’t your strong suit, there are plenty of steps that you can take after completing the drafting process, like setting aside some time for editing and proofreading. When pitching, ensure that you follow publications guidelines to provide a higher chance of getting your op-ed placed.

If you ever need help developing an op-ed piece or have any questions, please reach out today!

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